Thursday, 29 November 2012

Save Energy... and Money

At Grant Property, we always get tenants asking us for advice how to save energy in the winter when the cold weather has set in and it is essential to have your heating and electrics on.

So, we decided to scour the Internet to find ways that you can ration your energy use - and we came across this really interesting article in Yahoo Finance.

They compiled a list of 50 methods of cutting back on your energy use to save money over the winter, but we have decided to cherry-pick the most relevant 20 tips for our tenants.

As Yahoo Finance has said, some of these are big, some of them are small, and some you’ll be doing already – but they’ll all certainly help you save energy in the winter.

So, without further ado...

Free ways to save on heating

1. Close the curtains - Windows aren’t as insulated as walls, so draw the curtains and keep the cold out. Don’t let the curtains drape over the radiators and draw the heat out of the room.

2. Keep the radiators clear - If you have the space, try to avoid putting a sofa in front of the radiator as this blocks the heat from the room.

3. Put on a jumper - Finally, of course, there’s the old-fashioned ‘use less’ approach. Don’t expect to wear a T-shirt in the house in December, add a jumper, run the heating for an hour less a day and see if you notice.

Free ways to save on appliances

4. Turn off the lights - Get your family in the habit of switching off the lights when they leave the room.

5. Ditch the ‘standby’ button - By turning equipment off instead of leaving it on standby, you could save as much as £86 a year, according to the Energy Saving Trust.

6. Only charge until the battery’s full - Avoid leaving phones on charge unnecessarily, it can still waste energy.

7. Check your TV brightness - The factory settings on TVs are often too bright for homes, meaning you’re wasting energy. Experiment with a lower setting.

8. Buy a laptop not a PC - If you’re in the market for a new computer, a laptop typically uses around 85% less energy than a new desktop machine, according to the Energy Saving Trust.

Free ways to save in the kitchen

9. Defrost the freezer - Make sure your freezer is running to its maximum efficiency by regularly defrosting it.

10. Cut food up smaller - By reducing the size of your food, you reduce the time it needs to cook.

11. Cook in batches - One way to fill the freezer is to cook batches of food and freeze portions. This can also use less energy.

12. Plan ahead - Save energy by defrosting food overnight in the fridge instead of microwaving it.

13. Avoid putting hot food in the fridge - Let it cool down first or your fridge will need to use more energy to stay cool.

14. Boil in the kettle, not the hob - If you need boiling water to cook with, use the kettle and not the hob as it’s more efficient.

15. Keep the oven door closed - Don’t linger with the oven door open, you’ll use more energy as it replaces lost heat.

Free ways to save with water

16. Shave time off your shower - If everyone in your home cut their shower time by two minutes a day, you could save £20 a year according to E.ON.

17. Use your plug - Don’t just run the tap while you need hot water, it’s a waste of energy. Put the plug in and use what you’ve got.

Free ways to save with laundry

18. Fill the machines - Don’t run your washing machine or dishwasher half empty, make sure it’s full and use an economy programme if it has one.

19. Don’t drape the radiators - It’s so tempting to hang clothes on the radiators to dry but this makes the boiler work harder and costs more.

20. Wash at 30 degrees - Many modern washing powders work just as efficiently at 30 degrees as they do at higher temperatures.

So, there you have it. 20 foolproof tips for saving energy, and money, this winter.

Do you have any other tips for rationing your energy use in order to save money? If so, please let us know so we can share your tips with the rest of our tenants.

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