Monday, 3 August 2015

Introducing Andrew Bond - Saltire Foundation Social Media Intern

Name Andrew Bond 
Studying Law at the University of Dundee
Role Social Media Intern 

What would you be doing with your summer if you weren’t here?

I’d like to think I would be travelling, seeing new places and exploring South East Asia. However, in none of my travels have I found a place where money grows on trees, meaning my finances would run short very soon.

Coming from a rural area, I usually do seasonal farm work in the summer as it’s well paid. As fun as it is farming really isn’t what I want to do with my life. This internship at Grant Property is giving me a hands-on way to explore one of the areas that I’m really interested in working in: marketing. Furthermore, it is helping developing skills necessary for careers and will allow me to save up some money to travel again!

What is the biggest challenge?

Finding the balance between working independently and getting a lot of help from your co-workers. Working independently, using your initiative and being as little a burden as possible to your colleagues is an essential skill. However, you also have to make sure you’re getting things right. Grant has giving me a good blend of guidance and support, while also granting me some autonomy to get on with the job.

What have you most enjoyed?

Running my own projects. I was given some great guidance at the start going on some marketing campaigns with the team before being kindly asked if I wanted to run my own.
Much more goes into the simple things than you think, as you propose your projects, set out the logistics, costings and what you hope to achieve.
I’ve just finished my project of unofficial photography at Dundee, Abertay, Edinburgh University and Glasgow Caledonian University graduations, which we used as content for our Facebook page.

Seeing the thing through from start to finish may not have been easy, but it was extremely fulfilling!

As a new member of the team, what has impressed you most?

The sheer size of the operation and its slickness. Walking into the Edinburgh office, you’re met with a grand reception overlooked by a huge oval dome. The three floors are split into their different areas of the business such as letting support, property management and finance and investment upstairs.

The office runs on a very methodical system. Things are clearly split and delegated, giving the office much more of “running like clockwork” feel than other offices I’ve been in before.

What tips would you give to people applying for Saltire in the future?

1. As with most big things in your life such as choosing a university or making a large purchase RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH.  

Really research the Saltire Foundation thoroughly, this needs to stretch more than skimming their website before you hand in your application. 

Research by reading as many blogs as you can on Saltire’s blog “the gither”. With the wide range of internships and applicants, there are so many blogs that can keep you entertained for hours.

Reach out to previous Saltire Scholars: Saltire isn’t just a network, it’s a community. People 
are willing to help each other. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people for advice, interview 
help or just to find out more about them and their Saltire journey. 

Use your career service: university career services love Saltire and they know their stuff. 

They will help you with questions, look over your application and much more. Stay close to your career service, they can be a huge asset to getting in to Saltire and other vocational dilemmas you may have. 

2. Be confident. Confidence may seem simple, but confidence if one the biggest assets you will ever have. Don’t confuse your self assurance with arrogance. Realise your limitations, be humble and have the confidence to exceed your expectations.

3.  Do not be afraid to fail, particularly with Saltire FoundationIt is very competitive. My fellow Saltire Scholars blow me away with how impressive they are. Not only are there many amazing people that are on the scheme, but many amazing people who never found an internship. 

I was lucky in that the Grant Property internship was a perfect fit, but I could have easily not become a Saltire if it hadn’t popped up. 

Even if you don’t think you’re as impressive as other candidates, apply anyway. You’ll gain a lot through the process. You may just find that Saltire see something in you or that there is an internship that is perfect for you.

If you don’t get in, don’t worry, be positive and learn from it.

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