Friday, 7 August 2015

Introducing Lauren Buchan - Saltire Foundation Property Management Intern

Name Lauren Buchan
Studying Marketing at the University of Stirling
Role Property Management Intern

What would you be doing with your Summer if you weren’t here?

I'm really happy that I've got this opportunity through the Saltire Foundation, as it's been a personal goal of mine to get into Saltire since I first heard of it two years ago. 

However, if it didn't work out I would probably try to do something as much fun as possible for my last summer before I'm out into the big bad world. Maybe try to travel or volunteer. I have volunteered for the past 2 summers to get office experience and I think I would have done it again this year but maybe more focused on charity. A charity relating to helping kids in particular, most likely. Or maybe if I rallied up some troops I would have gone inter-railing to see some of Europe. Either way though, I'm loving this experience so far and I wouldn't change it.   

So far what’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your internship?

As it happens, I came into Grant Property right before the busy season starts. Because in Stirling basically all of the flats are student lets, meaning in the summer almost all of the properties have move-outs, move-ins or change of tenancies. 

One challenge I have faced is that every week gets busier than the last, with the phones going off the hook with problems to be solved. The challenge is using my initiative to deal with problems, as everyone is the office is getting increasingly busier and less able to guide me through it. More often than not now, I'm able to deal with phone calls by myself, rather than handing them off to other people. 

What have you most enjoyed?

I have enjoyed getting out and about the flats in Stirling, a nice change from being at a desk all day! Doing viewings is pretty enjoyable and last week I led one by myself, which was great. 

As a new member of the Grant Property team what has impressed you most about the company since you started?

When I learned I was coming to Grant Property I honestly thought they were just a property management company, but I quickly learned that they are so much more than that.  

I think it is such a unique idea that Grant Property has to guide property investors through the entire process of owning property. From sourcing it, to doing a full re-dec in just 6 weeks, to finding tenants and then managing it - it's the full package! The investment team in particular are very impressive, sourcing clients from all over the world, particularly ex-pats who have a passion for investing in the UK - it's a pretty cool job!

What three top tips would you share with  students thinking about applying for the Saltire Foundation next year?

1. You won't get another offer like this one - just do it!!

2. If you do decide to apply, you have to make your application form stand out. Even if it is just an interesting anecdote - show Saltire why they should invest in you.

3. Don't be disheartened if you don't get an internship straight away in the first list. Getting an internship through Saltire is a process to find the right fit for YOU, and if you don't make the cut in your first interview, learn from it and don't let it hinder you. In fact Peter Grant (CEO of Grant Property) said to us Saltire interns at lunch yesterday 'don't worry if an interview goes bad - it's another opportunity to learn and get better for the next one'.

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